readingTime function

ReadingTimeResult readingTime(
  1. String text, {
  2. int wpm = 200,
  3. String suffix = 'min read',
  4. String lessMsg = 'less than a minute',

Predict estimated time to read text String text is positional and required int wpm is named and not required , default value for wordsPerMinute is 200 an average reader can read 200 words per minute

change suffix to customize message change lessMsg to customize message if time is less than a minute !


ReadingTimeResult readingTime(
  String text, {
  int wpm = 200,
  String suffix = 'min read',
  String lessMsg = 'less than a minute',
}) {
  var words = 0, start = 0, end = text.length - 1, wordBound, i;
  wordBound = _ansiWordBound;
  while (wordBound(text[start])) {
  while (wordBound(text[end])) {

  for (i = start; i <= end;) {
    for (; i <= end && !wordBound(text[i]); i++);
    for (; i <= end && wordBound(text[i]); i++);

  var minutes = words / wpm;
  var time = minutes * 60 * 1000;
  var displayed = double.parse(minutes.toStringAsFixed(2)).round();

  return (displayed > 0
      ? ReadingTimeResult(
          msg: '$displayed $suffix',
          minutes: minutes,
          time: time,
          words: words,
      : ReadingTimeResult(
          msg: 'less than a minute',
          minutes: minutes,
          time: time,
          words: words,