mergeTwoMaps function

Map<String, Object?>? mergeTwoMaps(
  1. Map<String, Object?>? a,
  2. Map<String, Object?>? b
  • merges to maps into single one
  • if the key found in both maps it will use the one from the second map


Map<String, Object?>? mergeTwoMaps(
  Map<String, Object?>? a,
  Map<String, Object?>? b,
) {
  /// if a is null then return b
  /// if b is null then return a
  /// if both is null then return null 🤷‍♀️
  if (a == null || b == null) return b ?? a;

  /// the result of the merge
  final result = Map.of(a);

  /// ad the key from two to one
  for (final key in b.keys) {
    /// if the value is Map then merge them
    if (b[key] is Map || a[key] is Map) {
      final aValueIsMap = a[key] is Map;
      final bValueIsMap = b[key] is Map;
      result[key] = mergeTwoMaps(
        aValueIsMap ? a[key] as Map<String, Object?>? : {},
        bValueIsMap ? b[key] as Map<String, Object?>? : {},
    } else {
      /// else just use the value from the second map
      result[key] = b[key];
  return result;