when<R> method

R? when<R>({
  1. WhenValueReturn<T, R>? standby,
  2. WhenValueReturn<T, R>? loading,
  3. WhenValueReturn<T, R>? done,
  4. WhenErrorReturn<R>? error,

Returns a new value of R depending on the state of the hook:

standby: When the state has the initial value. loading: When the request for the state is retrieving the value. done: When the request is done. error: If any errors happens in the request.

For example:

final valueComputed = appController.asyncState.when<String>(
  standby: (value) => "⚓️ Standby: ${value}",
  loading: (value) => "⏳ Loading...",
  done: (value) => "✅ Resolved: ${value}",
  error: (error) => "❌ Error: ${error}",


R? when<R>({
  WhenValueReturn<T, R>? standby,
  WhenValueReturn<T, R>? loading,
  WhenValueReturn<T, R>? done,
  WhenErrorReturn<R>? error,
}) {
  if (status == UseAsyncStateStatus.error) {
    return error?.call(this.error);

  if (status == UseAsyncStateStatus.loading) {
    return loading?.call(value);

  if (status == UseAsyncStateStatus.done) {
    return done?.call(value);

  return standby?.call(value);