UseState<T> constructor

  1. T initialValue

A ReactterHook that manages a state.

Contains a value of type T which represents the current state.

When value is different to previous state, UseState execute update to notify container instance that has changed and in turn executes onWillUpdate and onDidUpdate.

This example produces one simple UseState:

class AppController {
  late final likesCount = UseState(0, this);
  late final followed = UseState(false, this);
  late final text = UseState("", this);
  late final user = UseState<User?>(null, this);
  late final posts = UseState(<Post>[], this);

  AppController() {
    likesCount.value += 1;
    followed.value = followed.value!;
    text.value = "This is a text";
    user.value = User(name: "name");

    // It's need to force [update] because mantain the previous state
    // and the [context] not aware that this state has changed
    posts.update(() {
            user: user.value,
            text: text.value,


UseState(T initialValue)
    : _value = initialValue,
      // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
      initial = initialValue;