UseContext<T extends Object> typedef

  1. @Deprecated('Use manage instances shortcuts or `UseInstance` instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v6.0.0.pre.')
UseContext<T extends Object> = UseInstance<T>

A ReactterHook that allows to get the T instance with/without id from dependency store when it's ready.

final useAppController = UseContext<AppController>();
final useOtherControllerWithId = UseContext<OtherController>('uniqueId');

The T instance that you need to get, to must be created by ReactterInstanceManager:

Reactter.create<AppController>(() => AppContex());

or created by ReactterProvider of flutter_reactter

Use instance getter to get the T instance:

final useAppController = UseContext<AppController>();

NOTE: instance returns null, when the T instance is not found or it hasn't created yet.

Use UseEffect hook to wait for the instance to be created.

final useAppController = UseContext<AppController>();
print(useAppController.instance); // return null

UseEffect(() {
  print(useAppController.instance); // return instance of AppController
}, [useAppController]);

IMPORTANT You should call dispose when it's no longer needed.

See also:


  'Use manage instances shortcuts or `UseInstance` instead. '
  'This feature was deprecated after v6.0.0.pre.',
typedef UseContext<T extends Object> = UseInstance<T>;