destroy<T extends Object?> method

bool destroy<T extends Object?>({
  1. String? id,
  2. bool onlyInstance = false,

Destroys the instance and builder of T type with an id optional.

If onlyInstance is true, ignores to deresgisters the builder.

Returns true if it was successfully.


bool destroy<T extends Object?>({
  String? id,
  bool onlyInstance = false,
}) {
  final reactterInstance = _getReactterInstance<T>(id);

  if (reactterInstance?.instance == null && onlyInstance) {
    final reactterInstance = ReactterInstance<T>(id);

    Reactter.log('The "$reactterInstance" instance already deleted.');

    return false;

  if (reactterInstance != null) {

  if (onlyInstance) return true;

  return unregister<T>(id);