overrideStandardWindowButtonPosition static method

Future<bool> overrideStandardWindowButtonPosition({
  1. required NSWindowButtonType buttonType,
  2. required Offset? offset,

Overrides the standard window button position of type buttonType.

If offset is null, resets the button position to the default.

Usage example:

      buttonType: NSWindowButtonType.closeButton,
      offset: const Offset(20, 20));
// Moves close button 20 pixels to the right and down.


static Future<bool> overrideStandardWindowButtonPosition(
    {required NSWindowButtonType buttonType, required Offset? offset}) async {
  await _completer.future;
  return await _windowManipulatorMethodChannel
      .invokeMethod('overrideStandardWindowButtonPosition', {
    'buttonType': buttonType.name,
    'offsetX': offset?.dx,
    'offsetY': offset?.dy,