lerp static method

  1. @Deprecated("'PushButton' no longer uses singular colors and therefore cannot " "be themed using a 'PushButtonTheme'.")
PushButtonThemeData lerp(
  1. PushButtonThemeData a,
  2. PushButtonThemeData b,
  3. double t

Linearly interpolate between two PushButtonThemeData.

All the properties must be non-null.


    "'PushButton' no longer uses singular colors and therefore cannot "
    "be themed using a 'PushButtonTheme'.")
static PushButtonThemeData lerp(
  PushButtonThemeData a,
  PushButtonThemeData b,
  double t,
) {
  return PushButtonThemeData(
    color: Color.lerp(a.color, b.color, t),
    disabledColor: Color.lerp(a.disabledColor, b.disabledColor, t),
    secondaryColor: Color.lerp(a.secondaryColor, b.secondaryColor, t),