ReactiveFormArray<T> constructor

const ReactiveFormArray<T>({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required ReactiveFormArrayBuilder<T> builder,
  3. String? formArrayName,
  4. FormArray<T>? formArray,
  5. Widget? child,

Creates an instance of ReactiveFormArray.

The builder argument is required. The child is optional but is good practice to use if part of the widget subtree does not depend on the value of the FormArray that is bind with this widget.


const ReactiveFormArray({
  Key? key,
  required this.builder,
})  : assert(
          (formArrayName != null && formArray == null) ||
              (formArrayName == null && formArray != null),
          'Must provide a formArrayName or a formArray, but not both at the same time.'),
      super(key: key);