toString method

  1. @override
String toString()

A string representation of this object.

Some classes have a default textual representation, often paired with a static parse function (like int.parse). These classes will provide the textual representation as their string representation.

Other classes have no meaningful textual representation that a program will care about. Such classes will typically override toString to provide useful information when inspecting the object, mainly for debugging or logging.


String toString() {
  return '''BindingCastException: The widget ${field.runtimeType} bound to "${field.formControlName}" control
  is expecting a "FormControl<$T>" data type,
  but received a "${control.runtimeType}" data type.

  This is caused because the template data type declared in the widget "${field.runtimeType}"
  is not a 'subtype' of the template data type declared in the control "${control.runtimeType}".

  To fix the error:

  1- Explicitly set the data type of the control in its declaration.

  { '${field.formControlName}': FormControl<$T>(), }

  2- If you are using the syntax: "{ '${field.formControlName}': [], }"
  Then you should initialize the control with a default value (not-null) or use "fb.control"
  to explicitly set a data type.

  1. Set a not-null default value
  { 'control': [''], } // the control is implicitly set to 'String' data type.

  2. Set a not-null default value with "fb.control"
  { 'control': fb.control(''), } // the control is implicitly set to 'String' data type.

  3. Set explicitly data type with "fb.control"
  { 'control': fb.control<String>(null), } // the control is explicitly set to 'String' data type.
