ReactiveBleMobilePlatform class

  • Object
  • PlatformInterface
  • ReactiveBleMobilePlatform


ReactiveBleMobilePlatform({required ArgsToProtobufConverter argsToProtobufConverter, required ProtobufConverter protobufConverter, required MethodChannel bleMethodChannel, required Stream<List<int>> connectedDeviceChannel, required Stream<List<int>> charUpdateChannel, required Stream<List<int>> bleDeviceScanChannel, required Stream<List<int>> bleStatusChannel, Logger? logger})


bleStatusStream Stream<BleStatus>
Stream that provides status updates regarding the host device BLE sub system.
no setter
charValueUpdateStream Stream<CharacteristicValue>
Stream that provides value updates about the characteristics that are read or subscribed to.
no setter
connectionUpdateStream Stream<ConnectionStateUpdate>
Listen to this stream to get connection updates for all the connected BLE devices.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scanStream Stream<ScanResult>
Stream providing ble scan results.
no setter


clearGattCache(String deviceId) Future<Result<Unit, GenericFailure<ClearGattCacheError>?>>
Clears GATT attribute cache on Android using undocumented API. This method should not be implemented for other platforms.
connectToDevice(String id, Map<Uuid, List<Uuid>>? servicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover, Duration? connectionTimeout) Stream<void>
Connects to a specific device and the connection remains established until the stream is cancelled or the connection is closed by the peripheral.
deinitialize() Future<void>
De-initializes the ble plugin platform specific counter parts.
disconnectDevice(String deviceId) Future<void>
Operation that disconnects the host with the peripheral.
discoverServices(String deviceId) Future<List<DiscoveredService>>
Performs service discovery on the peripheral and returns the discovered services.
getDiscoverServices(String deviceId) Future<List<DiscoveredService>>
initialize() Future<void>
Initializes the ble plugin platform specific counter parts.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
readCharacteristic(CharacteristicInstance characteristic) Stream<void>
Performs service discovery on the peripheral and returns the discovered services.
readRssi(String deviceId) Future<int>
requestConnectionPriority(String deviceId, ConnectionPriority priority) Future<ConnectionPriorityInfo>
Requests for a connection parameter update on the connected device.
requestMtuSize(String deviceId, int? mtu) Future<int>
Requests a specific MTU for a connected device.
scanForDevices({required List<Uuid> withServices, required ScanMode scanMode, required bool requireLocationServicesEnabled}) Stream<void>
Stream that handles triggers scanning for Ble devices.
stopSubscribingToNotifications(CharacteristicInstance characteristic) Future<void>
Stops subscribing to notifications for a specified characteristic.
subscribeToNotifications(CharacteristicInstance characteristic) Stream<void>
Starts subscribing to notifications for a specified characteristic.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse(CharacteristicInstance characteristic, List<int> value) Future<WriteCharacteristicInfo>
Perform writing a value to a specific characteristic without awaiting the acknowledgment from the peripheral.
writeCharacteristicWithResponse(CharacteristicInstance characteristic, List<int> value) Future<WriteCharacteristicInfo>
Perform writing a value to a specific characteristic and awaiting the acknowledgment from the peripheral.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.