delete<T> static method

bool delete<T>({
  1. String? tag,

Deletes a singleton instance of a class from the dependency store.

Returns true if the deletion is successful, false otherwise.

If the class is not found in the dependency store, a log message will be printed. If the deleted class is a ReactiveController, its onClose() method will be called before deletion.


static bool delete<T>({String? tag}) {
  final key = _getKey(T, tag: tag);
  if (_dependencyStore[key] == null) {'class $T is tried to delete but not present in the Dependency store');
    return false;
  } else {
    if (_dependencyStore[key] is ReactiveController) {'$T onClose() method called');
      (_dependencyStore[key] as ReactiveController).onClose();
    _dependencyStore[key] = null;'class $T is deleted from the Dependency store');
    return true;