jsifyPropTypes method

  1. @override
JsMap jsifyPropTypes(
  1. covariant Component2 component,
  2. covariant Map<String, Function> propTypes


JsMap jsifyPropTypes(
    covariant Component2 component, covariant Map<String, /*PropValidator<Map>*/ Function> propTypes) {
  return JsBackedMap.from(propTypes.map((propKey, validator) {
    // Wraps the propValidator methods that users provide in order to allow them to be consumable from javascript.
    dynamic handlePropValidator(
      JsMap props,
      String propName,
      String? componentName,
      String location,
      String? propFullName,
      // This is a required argument of PropTypes but is usually hidden from the JS consumer.
      String? secret,
    ) {
      // Create a Dart consumable version of the JsMap.
      final convertedProps = JsBackedMap.fromJs(props);
      // Call the users validator with the newly wrapped props.
      final error = validator(
            propName: propName,
            componentName: componentName,
            location: location,
            propFullName: propFullName,
      return error == null ? null : _JsError(error.toString());

    return MapEntry(propKey, allowInterop(handlePropValidator));