signInWithGoogle method
Signs in the user using Google authentication and returns the user credential.
Future<UserCredential> signInWithGoogle() async {
try {
// Sign out current user if not anonymous
if (_auth.currentUser != null && _auth.currentUser!.isAnonymous != true) {
await _auth.signOut();
if (_auth.currentUser != null && _auth.currentUser!.isAnonymous == true) {
// Trigger the authentication flow
final googleUser = await _googleSignIn.signIn();
// Obtain the auth details from the request
final GoogleSignInAuthentication? googleAuth =
await googleUser?.authentication;
if (googleAuth is GoogleSignInAuthentication &&
(googleAuth.accessToken is String ||
googleAuth.idToken is String)) {
// Create a new credential
final googleCredential = GoogleAuthProvider.credential(
accessToken: googleAuth.accessToken,
idToken: googleAuth.idToken,
final credential =
await _auth.currentUser!.linkWithCredential(googleCredential);
await _auth.currentUser!.reload();
if (_auth.currentUser!.email is String &&
_auth.currentUser!.email!.isNotEmpty) {
await resendEmailVerification(_auth.currentUser!.email!);
return credential;
} else {
throw AuthDataServiceException(
message: 'Google Sign In Failed',
// Trigger the authentication flow
final googleUser = await _googleSignIn.signIn();
// Obtain the auth details from the request
final GoogleSignInAuthentication? googleAuth =
await googleUser?.authentication;
if (googleAuth is GoogleSignInAuthentication &&
(googleAuth.accessToken is String || googleAuth.idToken is String)) {
// Create a new credential
final credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credential(
accessToken: googleAuth.accessToken,
idToken: googleAuth.idToken,
return await _auth.signInWithCredential(credential);
} else {
throw AuthDataServiceException(
message: 'Google Sign In Failed',
} catch (err) {
if (err is FirebaseAuthException) {
throw AuthDataServiceException.fromRdevException(err.toRdevException());
if (err is AuthDataServiceException) {
throw AuthDataServiceException(
message: err.toString(),