Raygun CLI

Command-line tool for raygun.com.


You can install this tool in different ways.

At the moment, a Dart SDK setup is necessary. You can get the Dart SDK here: https://dart.dev/get-dart or as part of your Flutter SDK installation.

Note: $HOME/.pub-cache/bin must be in your path.

In the future, this tool will also be available as standalone binary file in other distribution channels.

Install binary

Pre-compiled binaries for Linux, MacOS and Windows are avaible for download in the releases section.

Installing through system package managers will be available in the future!

Install from pub.dev

dart pub global activate raygun_cli 

Install from sources

dart pub global activate -s path .


Call to raygun-cli with a command and arguments.

raygun-cli <command> <arguments>

Or use directly from sources:

dart bin/raygun_cli.dart <command> <arguments>

Built-in help

Using the --help argument will usually output a list of command-specifc arguments and their meanings.


raygun-cli deployments --help

Configuration parameters

All raygun-cli commands share the same configuration parameters.

You can pass these parameters via arguments, e.g. --app-id=<id> or you can set them as environment variables.

Parameters passed as arguments have priority over environment variables.

Parameter Argument Environment Variable
Token token RAYGUN_TOKEN
API key api-key RAYGUN_API_KEY

Sourcemap Uploader

Upload sourcemaps to raygun.com.

raygun-cli sourcemap <arguments>

Where the arguments are:

  • uri is the full URI where your project will be installed to.
  • input-map is the map file to upload.
raygun-cli sourcemap --input-map=path/to/map/index.js.map --uri=https://example.com/index.js --app-id=APP_ID --token=TOKEN

The command can be used to upload any single sourcemap.

Flutter Sourcemaps

To upload Flutter web sourcemaps to raygun.com, navigate to your project root and run the sourcemap command and set the platform argument (or -p) to flutter.

The input-map argument is optional for Flutter web projects. raygun-cli will try to find the main.dart.js.map file in build/web/main.dart.js.map automatically.

raygun-cli sourcemap -p flutter --uri=https://example.com/main.dart.js --app-id=APP_ID --token=TOKEN
NodeJS Sourcemaps

Not available yet!

Android Proguard/R8 Uploader

Upload Proguard and R8 mapping files for Android to raygun.com.

Documentation: https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/android/crash-reporting/proguard/

raygun-cli proguard <arguments>

Minimal required arguments are:

raygun-cli proguard --app-id=APP_ID --version=<app version> --path=<Path to mapping.txt file> --external-access-token=<EAT from your Raygun user account settings> --overwrite

Example outputs:


Uploading: <somewhere>/mapping.txt
Success uploading Proguard/R8 mapping file: 200
Result: true

Mapping file for version already exists:

Uploading: <somewhere>/mapping.txt
Error uploading Proguard/R8 mapping file: 400
Response: File already exists. Please set overwrite=true if you really want to overwrite it.

Wrong External Access Token:

Uploading: <somewhere>/mapping.txt
Error uploading Proguard/R8 mapping file: 302

Flutter obfuscation symbols

Manages obfuscation symbols to raygun.com.

raygun-cli symbols <subcommand> <arguments>


  • upload: Upload a symbols file.
  • list: List uploaded symbols files.
  • delete: Delete an uploaded symbols file.

Upload subcommand

Upload a symbols file.

Provide the path to the symbols file (e.g. app.android-arm64.symbols), as well as the application version (e.g. 1.0.0).

raygun-cli symbols upload --path=<path to symbols file> --version=<app version> --app-id=APP_ID --token=TOKEN

List subcommand

List the uploaded symbols file.

raygun-cli symbols list --app-id=APP_ID --token=TOKEN

Example output:

List of symbols:

Symbols File: app.android-arm64.symbols
Identifier: 2c7a3u3
App Version: 0.0.1

Symbols File: app.android-x64.symbols
Identifier: 2c7a3u4
App Version: 0.0.1

Symbols File: app.android-arm.symbols
Identifier: 2c7a7k6
App Version: 0.0.1

Delete subcommand

Delete an uploaded symbols file.

Provide the identifier (id) of the symbols file (e.g. --id=2c7a3u3). You can obtain the identifier with the list subcommand.

raygun-cli symbols delete --id=<id> --app-id=APP_ID --token=TOKEN

Deployment Tracking

Send deployment tracking notifications to raygun.com.

Documentation: https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/deployment-tracking/overview/

Minimal required arguments are:

raygun-cli depoyments --token=TOKEN --version=<app version> --api-key=API_KEY

Example outputs:


Success creating deployment: 201
Deployment identifier: 2cewu0m
Deployment created successfully

Missing Access Token:

Error creating deployment: 401
Response: {"type":"https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc9110#section-15.5.2","title":"Unauthorized","status":401,"traceId":"00-b9f01ba3ff4a938501c760e6924acc81-53e9411804aa9f2f-00"}
Failed to create deployment

Access Token misses access to application:

Error creating deployment: 404
Response: {"type":"https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc9110#section-15.5.5","title":"Not Found","status":404,"traceId":"00-5c3a2423f922d787e20d01456b6c1836-b88c29232af94db8-00"}
Failed to create deployment


Compiling a binary

Compile a self-contained exec:

dart compile exe bin/raygun_cli.dart -o raygun-cli

Note: The binary is compiled for the architecture and host system. To compile for macOS and Windows we must setup CI VMs. See: https://dart.dev/tools/dart-compile#known-limitations

