Rational lint

pub package

A heavily strict analysis_options for Dart/Flutter projects based on popular lint packages on pub.dev


Add this package to your dev_dependencies in your pubspec.yaml:

  rational_lint: ^1.0.1+1

and the following to your analysis_options.yaml (create one in the root of your project if you don't have it yet):

include: package:rational_lint/analysis_options.yaml

    # ------ Disable individual rules ----- #
    #                 ---                   #
    # Turn off what you don't like.         #
    # ------------------------------------- #

    # Use parameter order as in json response
    always_put_required_named_parameters_first: false
    # Util classes are awesome!
    avoid_classes_with_only_static_members: false

    # ------ Enable individual rules ------ #
    #                 ---                   #
    # These rules here are good but too     #
    # opinionated to enable them by default #
    # ------------------------------------- #

    # Make constructors the first thing in every class
    sort_constructors_first: true

    # The new tabs vs. spaces. Choose wisely
    prefer_single_quotes: true
    prefer_double_quotes: true

    # Good packages document everything
    public_member_api_docs: true
    # Blindly follow the Flutter code style, which prefers types everywhere
    always_specify_types: true
    # Back to the 80s
    lines_longer_than_80_chars: true


If you're writing apps without developer facing API. i.e. command line tools and Flutter applications, use

include: package:rational_lint/analysis_options.yaml


If you're writing a package with a public API you should use the package version instead

include: package:rational_lint/analysis_options_package.yaml


If you want to use a specific version of lint rules from this package, then use

  • For packages
include: package:rational_lint/analysis_options_package.major.minor.patch.yaml

  • For tools, applications, etc.
include: package:rational_lint/analysis_options.major.minor.patch.yaml


If you want to enable all rules use

include: package:rational_lint/all_rules.yaml


Show that you're using rational_lint

Add style: rational_lint badge to your project's README.md.

[![style: rational_lint](https://img.shields.io/badge/style-rational__lint-blueviolet)](https://pub.dev/packages/rational_lint)

It'll look like this

style: rational_lint


The rational_lint package.