Rast Force Update

Ensure your application always stays up-to-date with the latest features and improvements using Rast Force Update. This Flutter package enables you to effortlessly prompt users to update their app to the latest version. Keep your user base synchronized with the newest releases by integrating update checks and compelling update dialogues directly into your Flutter app.


  • Automatic Update Checks: Seamlessly check for new versions of your app available on the app store.
  • Customizable Update Dialogs: Engage users with customizable dialogs that can be set as optional or mandatory.
  • Direct Store Redirection: Redirect users straight to the app store for updates, ensuring they always have the latest version.

Getting Started


Add rast_force_update to your project as a dependency by including it in your pubspec.yaml file:

flutter pub add rast_force_update


  1. Check for Updates: Implement the update check at a suitable point in your app flow, such as during startup or at a dedicated "check for updates" button press.
  2. Display Update Dialogs: Based on the update status, show a dialog informing the user about the available update. Customize the dialogue to appear either as a gentle suggestion or a strict requirement before further use of the app.
  3. Redirect for Update: If an update is necessary, direct the user to the app store where they can download the latest version of your app.
import 'package:rast_force_update/rast_force_update.dart';
 await RastForceUpdate(
        context: context,                               // (required) The context of the current page is required for the dialog to appear
        latestVersion: "2.0.0",                         // (required) You can optionally pull the latest version from a remote config
        isForceUpdate: false,                           // (required) You can optionally pull the isForceUpdate option from a remote config
        appleAppId: "1571204627",                       // (required) It is mandatory to enter appid information for Appstore redirection
        updateMessage: "A new version is available!",   // (optional) 


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Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


For support, email contact@rastmobile.com or join our Slack channel.

Keep your Flutter applications ahead of the curve with Rast Force Update!

