calculateCheckDigit method

String calculateCheckDigit()


String calculateCheckDigit() {
  int checkSum = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < _formattedData.length; i++) {
    //replace apostrophes with double apostrophes for escape chars
    var s = _formattedData[i].replaceAll("'", "''");

    //try to find value in the A column
    var rows = _codes.firstWhere((item) => item!.a == s, orElse: () => null);

    //try to find value in the B column
    if (rows == null) {
      rows = _codes.firstWhere((item) => item!.b == s, orElse: () => null);

    //try to find value in the C column
    if (rows == null) {
      rows = _codes.firstWhere((item) => item!.c == s, orElse: () => null);

    var value = int.parse(rows!.value);
    var addition = value * ((i == 0) ? 1 : i);
    checkSum += addition;

  int remainder = (checkSum % 103);
  var retRows =
      _codes.firstWhere((item) => item!.value == remainder.toString());

  return retRows!.encoding;