breakUpDataForEncoding method

dynamic breakUpDataForEncoding()


breakUpDataForEncoding() {
  String temp = "";
  String tempRawData = _data;

  //breaking the raw data up for code A and code B will mess up the encoding
  if (_code128Type == Code128Type.A || _code128Type == Code128Type.B) {
    for (int i = 0; i < _data.length; i++) {

  if (_code128Type == Code128Type.C) {
    if (!checkNumericOnly(_data)) {
      throw new Exception(
          "EC128-6: Only numeric values can be encoded with C128-C.");

    //CODE C: adds a 0 to the front of the Data if the length is not divisible by 2
    if (_data.length % 2 > 0) {
      tempRawData = "0" + _data;

  for (int i = 0; i < tempRawData.length; i++) {
      final String c = tempRawData[i];
      if (c.isNumber()) {
        if (temp == "") {
          temp += c;
        } else {
          temp += c;
          temp = "";
      } else {
        if (temp != "") {
          temp = "";

  //if something is still in temp go ahead and push it onto the queue
  if (temp != "") {
    temp = "";