initRangersAppLog static method

void initRangersAppLog(
  1. String appid,
  2. String channel,
  3. bool enableAb,
  4. bool enableEncrypt,
  5. bool enableLog,
  6. String? host,

Init SDK,expected to be called as early as possible. Note: You can also choose to init SDK in native side (say, using Java or Objective-C). If so, this method is not expected to be called. @param appid String AppID of Rangers. @param channel String. @host private report URL. e.g. Pass null if you dont know what this is. Usage:(replace 123456 with your appid) RangersApplogFlutterPlugin.initRangersAppLog('123456','test_channel', true, true, false, null);


static void initRangersAppLog(String appid, String channel, bool enableAb,
    bool enableEncrypt, bool enableLog, String? host) {
  _channel.invokeMethod('initRangersAppLog', {
    "appid": appid,
    "channel": channel,
    "enable_ab": enableAb,
    "enable_encrypt": enableEncrypt,
    "enable_log": enableLog,
    "host": host
