strings library


center(String? input, int width, String fill) String
Returns a String of length width padded with the same number of characters on the left and right from fill. On the right, characters are selected from fill starting at the end so that the last character in fill is the last character in the result. fill is repeated if necessary to pad.
compareIgnoreCase(String a, String b) int
Compares a and b after converting to lower case.
equalsIgnoreCase(String? a, String? b) bool
Returns true if a and b are equal after being converted to lower case, or are both null.
isBlank(String? s) bool
Returns true if s is either null, empty or is solely made of whitespace characters (as defined by String.trim).
isDigit(int rune) bool
Returns true if rune represents a digit.
isEmpty(String? s) bool
Returns true if s is either null or empty.
isNotBlank(String? s) bool
Returns true if s is neither null, empty nor is solely made of whitespace characters.
isNotEmpty(String? s) bool
Returns true if s is a not empty string.
isWhitespace(int rune) bool
Returns true if rune represents a whitespace character.
loop(String s, int from, [int? to]) String
Loops over s and returns traversed characters. Takes arbitrary from and to indices. Works as a substitute for String.substring, except it never throws RangeError. Supports negative indices. Think of an index as a coordinate in an infinite in both directions vector filled with repeating string s, whose 0-th coordinate coincides with the 0-th character in s. Then loop returns the sub-vector defined by the interval (from, to). from is inclusive. to is exclusive.