collection library

Collection classes and related utilities.


AVL implementation of a self-balancing binary tree. Optimized for lookup operations.
BiMap<K, V>
A bi-directional map whose key-value pairs form a one-to-one correspondence. BiMaps support an inverse property which gives access to an inverted view of the map, such that there is a mapping (v, k) for each pair (k, v) in the original map. Since a one-to-one key-value invariant applies, it is an error to insert duplicate values into this map.
An implementation of Iterable that delegates all methods to another Iterable. For instance you can create a FruitIterable like this :
An implementation of List that delegates all methods to another List. For instance you can create a FruitList like this :
DelegatingMap<K, V>
An implementation of Map that delegates all methods to another Map. For instance you can create a FruitMap like this :
An implementation of Queue that delegates all methods to another Queue. For instance you can create a FruitQueue like this :
An implementation of Set that delegates all methods to another Set. For instance you can create a FruitSet like this :
HashBiMap<K, V>
A hash-table based implementation of BiMap.
LinkedLruHashMap<K, V>
A linked hash-table based implementation of LruMap.
ListMultimap<K, V>
A multimap implementation that uses Lists to store the values associated with each key.
LruMap<K, V>
An implementation of a Map which has a maximum size and uses a Least Recently Used algorithm to remove items from the Map when the maximumSize is reached and new items are added.
Multimap<K, V>
An associative container that maps a key to multiple values.
SetMultimap<K, V>
A multimap implementation that uses Sets to store the values associated with each key.
This iterator either starts at the beginning or end (see TreeSet.iterator and TreeSet.reverseIterator) or from an anchor point in the set (see TreeSet.fromIterator). When using fromIterator, the initial anchor point is included in the first movement (either moveNext or movePrevious) but can optionally be excluded in the constructor.
A Set of items stored in a binary tree according to comparator. Supports bidirectional iteration.


Controls the results for TreeSet.searchNearest


indexOf<T>(Iterable<T> elements, bool predicate(T element)) int
Returns the index of the first item in elements where predicate evaluates to true.
listsEqual(List? a, List? b) bool
Checks Lists a and b for equality.
mapsEqual(Map? a, Map? b) bool
Checks Maps a and b for equality.
setsEqual(Set? a, Set? b) bool
Checks Sets a and b for equality.