retain method

  1. @override
void retain(
  1. int index,
  2. int? length,
  3. NotusStyle? style

Format length characters of this node starting from index with specified style style.


void retain(int index, int? length, NotusStyle? style) {
  if (style == null) return;
  final thisLength = this.length;

  final local = math.min(thisLength - index, length!);
  // If index is at line-break character this is line/block format update.
  final isLineFormat = (index + local == thisLength) && local == 1;

  if (isLineFormat) {
        style.values.every((attr) => attr.scope == NotusAttributeScope.line),
        'It is not allowed to apply inline attributes to line itself.');
  } else {
    // otherwise forward to children as it's inline format update.
    assert(index + local != thisLength,
        'It is not allowed to apply inline attributes to line itself.');
        .every((attr) => attr.scope == NotusAttributeScope.inline));
    super.retain(index, local, style);

  final remaining = length - local;
  if (remaining > 0) {
    assert(nextLine != null);
    nextLine!.retain(0, remaining, style);