getVersion static method

int getVersion()


static int getVersion() {
  // Construct the path to pubspec.yaml
  final pubspecPath = 'pubspec.yaml';

  // Read the contents of pubspec.yaml
  final pubspecFile = File(pubspecPath);
  final content = pubspecFile.readAsStringSync();

  // Parse the YAML content using the yaml package
  final pubspecYaml = loadYaml(content);

  // Retrieve the current value of 'version'
  final versionValue = pubspecYaml['version'];
  final String version = versionValue.toString();
  List<String> parts = version.split('+');
  String numberAfterPlus = parts[1];
  int number = int.tryParse(numberAfterPlus) ?? 0;

  return number;