QuickbooksOauth2Service constructor

  1. String? clientId,
  2. String? clientSecret,
  3. String? redirectUrl,
  4. bool? isProduction,
  5. String? state,

Quickbooks Oauth2 connection service constructor

Takes the environment variables as needed values by default.


clientId ClientId of your Quickbooks app.

clientSecret ClientSecret of your Quickbooks app.

redirectUrl Url where you want the Oauth2 connection to redirect. (Must be a valid url, local addresss doesn't work)(Must be registered on Quickbooks website for you app).

isProduction Defines if you use the sandbox endpoints or the production endpoints.

state Verification String for quickbooks to verify if the connection has been successfull. Can be anything.


  String? clientId,
  String? clientSecret,
  String? redirectUrl,
  bool? isProduction,
  String? state,
}) {
  _clientId = clientId ?? QuickbooksEnvironment.clientId;
  _clientSecret = clientSecret ?? QuickbooksEnvironment.clientSecret;
  _redirectUrl = redirectUrl ?? QuickbooksEnvironment.redirectUri;
  _isProduction = isProduction ?? QuickbooksEnvironment.isProduction;
  _state = state ?? QuickbooksEnvironment.state;