enums/enums.export library
- Oauth2Claims
- Enum for the supported subject types in the Quickbooks oauth2 connection
- Oauth2ResponseTypes
- Enum for the supported subject types in the Quickbooks oauth2 connection
- Oauth2Scopes
- Enum for the possible scopes of authorization with quickbooks
- Oauth2SigningAlg
- Enum for the supported subject types in the Quickbooks oauth2 connection
- Oauth2SubjectTypes
- Enum for the supported subject types in the Quickbooks oauth2 connection
- Oauth2TokenEndpointAuthMethods
- Enum for the supported subject types in the Quickbooks oauth2 connection
- QuickbooksGlobalTaxCalculationType
- Enum pour les différents types de lignes possible
- QuickbooksLineDetailType
- Enum for the different possible line types
- QuickbooksProductType
- Oauth2CLaimsConvertExtension on Oauth2Claims
- Extension to add convert methods to the subject types
- Oauth2ResponseTypesConvertExtension on Oauth2ResponseTypes
- Extension to add convert methods to the response types
- Oauth2ScopesConvertExtension on Oauth2Scopes
- Extension to add convert methods to the scopes
- Oauth2SigningAlgConvertExtension on Oauth2SigningAlg
- Extension to add convert methods to the signing alg
- Oauth2SubjectTypesConvertExtension on Oauth2SubjectTypes
- Extension to add convert methods to the subject types
- Oauth2TokenEndpointAuthMethodsConvertExtension on Oauth2TokenEndpointAuthMethods
- Extension to add convert methods to the auth methods
- QuickbooksGlobalTaxCalculationTypeExtension on QuickbooksGlobalTaxCalculationType
- QuickbooksLineDetailTypeExtension on QuickbooksLineDetailType
- Extension of QuickbooksLineDetailType for json string conversion
- QuickbooksProductTypeExtension on QuickbooksProductType