Chat class

Created by Injoit on 2019-12-27. Copyright © 2019 Quickblox. All rights reserved.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


connect(int userId, String password) Future<void>
createDialog(int dialogType, {List<int>? occupantsIds, String? dialogName, String? dialogPhoto, Map<String, Object>? customData}) Future<QBDialog?>
deleteDialog(String dialogId, {bool? force}) Future<void>
disconnect() Future<void>
getDialogMessages(String dialogId, {QBSort? sort, QBFilter? filter, int limit = 100, int skip = 0, bool markAsRead = false}) Future<List<QBMessage?>>
getDialogs({QBSort? sort, QBFilter? filter, int? limit, int? skip}) Future<List<QBDialog?>>
getDialogsCount({QBFilter? qbFilter, int? limit, int? skip}) Future<int?>
getOnlineUsers(String dialogId) Future
getTotalUnreadMessagesCount({List<String>? dialogIds}) Future<QBMessagesCounter?>
isConnected() Future<bool?>
isEnabledNotificationDialog(String dialogId) Future<bool?>
isJoinedDialog(String dialogId) Future<bool>
joinDialog(String dialogId) Future<QBDialog?>
leaveDialog(String dialogId) Future<void>
markMessageDelivered(QBMessage qbMessage) Future<void>
markMessageRead(QBMessage qbMessage) Future<void>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pingServer() Future<bool>
pingUser(int userId) Future<bool>
sendIsTyping(String dialogId) Future<void>
sendMessage(String dialogId, {String? body, List<QBAttachment>? attachments, Map<String, String>? properties, bool markable = false, bool? saveToHistory, int? dateSent = null}) Future<void>
sendStoppedTyping(String dialogId) Future<void>
sendSystemMessage(int recipientId, {Map<String, String>? properties}) Future<void>
subscribeChatEvent(String eventName, dynamic eventMethod, {dynamic onErrorMethod}) Future<StreamSubscription>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateDialog(String dialogId, {List<int>? addUsers, List<int>? removeUsers, String? dialogName, String? dialogPhoto, Map<String, Object>? customData}) Future<QBDialog?>
updateNotificationDialog(String dialogId, bool enabled) Future<bool?>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.