show static method

Future show({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. String? title,
  3. String? text,
  4. TextAlign? titleAlignment,
  5. TextAlign? textAlignment,
  6. Widget? widget,
  7. required QuickAlertType type,
  8. QuickAlertAnimType animType = QuickAlertAnimType.scale,
  9. bool barrierDismissible = true,
  10. VoidCallback? onConfirmBtnTap,
  11. VoidCallback? onCancelBtnTap,
  12. String confirmBtnText = 'Okay',
  13. String cancelBtnText = 'Cancel',
  14. Color confirmBtnColor =,
  15. TextStyle? confirmBtnTextStyle,
  16. TextStyle? cancelBtnTextStyle,
  17. Color backgroundColor = Colors.white,
  18. Color headerBackgroundColor = Colors.white,
  19. Color titleColor =,
  20. Color textColor =,
  21. Color? barrierColor,
  22. bool showCancelBtn = false,
  23. bool showConfirmBtn = true,
  24. double borderRadius = 15.0,
  25. String? customAsset,
  26. double? width,
  27. Duration? autoCloseDuration,
  28. bool disableBackBtn = false,

Instantly display animated alert dialogs such as success, error, warning, confirm, loading or even a custom dialog.


static Future show({
  /// BuildContext
  required BuildContext context,

  /// Title of the dialog
  String? title,

  /// Text of the dialog
  String? text,

  /// TitleAlignment of the dialog
  TextAlign? titleAlignment,

  /// TextAlignment of the dialog
  TextAlign? textAlignment,

  /// Custom Widget of the dialog
  Widget? widget,

  /// Alert type [success, error, warning, confirm, info, loading, custom]
  required QuickAlertType type,

  /// Animation type  [scale, rotate, slideInDown, slideInUp, slideInLeft, slideInRight]
  QuickAlertAnimType animType = QuickAlertAnimType.scale,

  /// Barrier Dismissible
  bool barrierDismissible = true,

  /// Triggered when confirm button is tapped
  VoidCallback? onConfirmBtnTap,

  /// Triggered when cancel button is tapped
  VoidCallback? onCancelBtnTap,

  /// Confirmation button text
  String confirmBtnText = 'Okay',

  /// Cancel button text
  String cancelBtnText = 'Cancel',

  /// Color for confirm button
  Color confirmBtnColor =,

  /// TextStyle for confirm button
  TextStyle? confirmBtnTextStyle,

  /// TextStyle for cancel button
  TextStyle? cancelBtnTextStyle,

  /// Background Color for dialog
  Color backgroundColor = Colors.white,

  /// Header Background Color for dialog
  Color headerBackgroundColor = Colors.white,

  /// Color of title
  Color titleColor =,

  /// Color of text
  Color textColor =,

  /// Barrier Color of dialog
  Color? barrierColor,

  /// Determines if cancel button is shown or not
  bool showCancelBtn = false,

  /// Determines if confirm button is shown or not
  bool showConfirmBtn = true,

  /// Dialog Border Radius
  double borderRadius = 15.0,

  /// Asset path of your Image file
  String? customAsset,

  /// Width of the dialog
  double? width,

  /// Determines how long the dialog stays open for before closing, [default] is null. When it is null, it won't auto close
  Duration? autoCloseDuration,

  /// Disable Back Button
  bool disableBackBtn = false,
}) {
  Timer? timer;
  if (autoCloseDuration != null) {
    timer = Timer(autoCloseDuration, () {
      Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).pop();

  final options = QuickAlertOptions(
    timer: timer,
    title: title,
    text: text,
    titleAlignment: titleAlignment,
    textAlignment: textAlignment,
    widget: widget,
    type: type,
    animType: animType,
    barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
    onConfirmBtnTap: onConfirmBtnTap,
    onCancelBtnTap: onCancelBtnTap,
    confirmBtnText: confirmBtnText,
    cancelBtnText: cancelBtnText,
    confirmBtnColor: confirmBtnColor,
    confirmBtnTextStyle: confirmBtnTextStyle,
    cancelBtnTextStyle: cancelBtnTextStyle,
    backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
    headerBackgroundColor: headerBackgroundColor,
    titleColor: titleColor,
    textColor: textColor,
    showCancelBtn: showCancelBtn,
    showConfirmBtn: showConfirmBtn,
    borderRadius: borderRadius,
    customAsset: customAsset,
    width: width,

  Widget child = WillPopScope(
    onWillPop: () async {
      if (options.type == QuickAlertType.loading &&
          !disableBackBtn &&
          showCancelBtn) {
        if (options.onCancelBtnTap != null) {
          return false;
      return !disableBackBtn;
    child: AlertDialog(
      shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(borderRadius),
      content: QuickAlertContainer(
        options: options,

  if (options.type != QuickAlertType.loading) {
    child = RawKeyboardListener(
      focusNode: FocusNode(),
      autofocus: true,
      onKey: (event) {
        if (event is RawKeyUpEvent &&
            event.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.enter) {
          options.onConfirmBtnTap != null
              ? options.onConfirmBtnTap!()
              : Navigator.pop(context);
      child: child,

  return showGeneralDialog(
    barrierColor: barrierColor ??,
    transitionBuilder: (context, anim1, __, widget) {
      switch (animType) {
        case QuickAlertAnimType.scale:
          return Animate.scale(child: child, animation: anim1);

        case QuickAlertAnimType.rotate:
          return Animate.rotate(child: child, animation: anim1);

        case QuickAlertAnimType.slideInDown:
          return Animate.slideInDown(child: child, animation: anim1);

        case QuickAlertAnimType.slideInUp:
          return Animate.slideInUp(child: child, animation: anim1);

        case QuickAlertAnimType.slideInLeft:
          return Animate.slideInLeft(child: child, animation: anim1);

        case QuickAlertAnimType.slideInRight:
          return Animate.slideInRight(child: child, animation: anim1);

          return child;
    transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
        autoCloseDuration != null ? false : barrierDismissible,
    barrierLabel: '',
    context: context,
    pageBuilder: (context, _, __) => Container(),