quick_qr library
- Barcode
- A class to represent the contents of a barcode in an InputImage.
- BarcodeAddress
- Stores an address obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeCalenderEvent
- Stores a calendar event obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeContactInfo
- Stores a person’s or organization’s business card obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeDriverLicense
- Stores driver’s license or ID card data representation obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeEmail
- Stores an email message obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeGeoPoint
- Stores GPS coordinates obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodePhone
- Stores a phone number obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeScanner
- A barcode scanner that scans and decodes barcodes from a given InputImage.
- BarcodeSMS
- Stores an SMS message obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeUrl
- Stores url info of the bookmark obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeValue
- Stores info obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeWifi
- Stores wifi info obtained from a barcode.
- CameraSource
- InputImage
- Image format that ML Kit takes to process the image.
- InputImageData
- Data of image required when creating image from bytes.
- InputImagePlaneMetadata
- Plane attributes to create the image buffer on iOS.
- ModelManager
- A class to manage remote models.
- BarcodeAddressType
- Address type constants for BarcodeAddress.type
- BarcodeEmailType
- The type of email for BarcodeEmail.type.
- BarcodeFormat
- Barcode formats supported by the barcode scanner. Options for specifying the barcode formats that the library can detect.
- BarcodePhoneType
- The type of phone number for BarcodePhone.type.
- BarcodeType
- Barcode types returned by BarcodeScanner.
- InputImageFormat
- To indicate the format of image while creating input image from bytes
- InputImageRotation
- The camera rotation angle to be specified
- InputImageType
- The type of InputImage.