

A Flutter's widget that represent search fields for different platforms.

Currently there are two designs supported:

  • Material MaterialSearchField

    Inspired by search field from Google's material apps

  • Cupertion CupertinoSearchField

    Inspired by search field from Apple's apps

Preview (You can find source code for the preview under example directory):


Getting Started

Usage of the field quite similart to usage of TextField. The widget has leading and trailing widgets which will dissapear when user start typing and text control buttons (dissmiss and clear) will appear.

Material search field minimal example:

    onChanged: (text) {},
    onDismissed: () {},

Cupertino search field minimal example:

    onChanged: (text) {},
    onDismissed: () {},

Use as Platform Widget:

The library supports Flutter Platform Widgets

    onChanged: (text) {},
    onDismissed: () {},


You can provide your own strings for: hintText and dismissText directly by:

  • Widget constructor
  • Providing SearchFieldStringsLocalizations as localisation delegate
  • Contributing to the repository (The package support flutter_intl, or try to do that)