copyValuesFrom method

void copyValuesFrom(
  1. DbModel other, {
  2. List<FieldWithValue>? fieldsToCopy,
  3. bool fullCopy = false,

Copy values from other db model fields to this fields.

other The other model want to copy values from.

fullCopy Copy values with (id, serverId, creationTime, modificationTime).


void copyValuesFrom(DbModel other,
    {List<FieldWithValue>? fieldsToCopy, bool fullCopy = false}) {
  // assert(runtimeType == other.runtimeType);

  FieldWithValue? Function(String name) getCorrepondingField;
  getCorrepondingField = (String name) {
    for (var f in getAllFields()) {
      if (f != null) {
        if (f.columnName!.trim().toLowerCase() == name.trim().toLowerCase()) {
          return f;
    return null;
  List<FieldWithValue> fields = [];
  if (fieldsToCopy != null) {
    for (var f in fieldsToCopy) {
      var corrField = getCorrepondingField(f.columnName!);
      if (corrField != null) fields.add(corrField);
  Map<String?, FieldWithValue?> fieldsMap = {};
  for (var e in (fullCopy
      ? getAllFields()
      : fieldsToCopy == null
          ? getFields()!
          : fields)) {
    fieldsMap[e?.columnName] = e;

  Map<String, FieldWithValue> otherFieldsMap = {};
  var otherFields = (fullCopy
      ? other.getAllFields()
      : fieldsToCopy == null
          ? other.getFields()
          : other._getNamedFields(
     => e.columnName).toList()));
  otherFields?.forEach((e) => otherFieldsMap[e!.columnName!] = e);

//Copy values
  for (var k in fieldsMap.keys) {
    var thisField = fieldsMap[k];
    var otherField = otherFieldsMap[k];

    if (thisField != null && otherField != null) {
      thisField.value = otherField.value;