windowsInit function

void windowsInit()

Windows specific sqflite3 initialization.

In debug mode: A bundled sqlite3.dll from the sqflite_common_ffi package is loaded.

In release mode: sqlite3.dll is needed next to the executable.

This code is only provided for reference. See package sqlite3 for more information.


void windowsInit() {
  // Look for the bundle sqlite3.dll while in development
  // otherwise make sure to copy the dll along with the executable
  var location = findPackagePath(Directory.current.path);
  if (location != null) {
    var path = normalize(join(location, 'src', 'windows', 'sqlite3.dll'));
    open.overrideFor(, () {
      // devPrint('loading $path');
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        stderr.writeln('Failed to load sqlite3.dll at $path');

  // Force an open in the main isolate
  // Loading from an isolate seems to break on windows