secondsInUtcDay function

double secondsInUtcDay(
  1. double utc

Calculates and returns the number of seconds (including any leap seconds) that are in the UTC day containing the specified second, utc.


double secondsInUtcDay(double utc) {
  // Adjust to midnight by subtracting 43200.
  final d0 = (utc - 43200) ~/ 86400.0;
  final d1 = d0 + 1;

  final tai1 = TimeInstant.UTC.toMks(d0 * 86400.0);

  // UTC seconds at (close to) the following UTC midnight
  // (as long as it's well past noon, which is when the leap seconds are added)
  final tai2 = TimeInstant.UTC.toMks(d1 * 86400.0);

  // Return number of seconds on this UTC day
  return (tai2 - tai1).toDouble();