adjustForExponent method

  1. @override
String adjustForExponent(
  1. String str

Move the decimal point to just after the first integer digit.


String adjustForExponent(String str) {
  if (str.isNotEmpty != true) return str;
  var trimmed = str.trim();
  var sign = '';
  if (trimmed.startsWith('-')) {
    sign = '-';
    trimmed = trimmed.substring(1);
  } else if (trimmed.startsWith('+')) {
    trimmed = trimmed.substring(1);

  final dotIndex = trimmed.indexOf('.');
  final eIndex = trimmed.toLowerCase().indexOf('e');

  var firstNonZeroDigit = -1;
  for (var i = 0; i < trimmed.length; i++) {
    final s = trimmed[i];
    if (s != '0' && s != '.') {
      firstNonZeroDigit = i;

  if (firstNonZeroDigit == -1) return '0.0';

  final includedExponent =
      eIndex != -1 ? num.parse(trimmed.substring(eIndex + 1)) : 0;

  final length = eIndex != -1 ? eIndex : trimmed.length;
  var exp = (dotIndex == -1 ? length - 1 : dotIndex - firstNonZeroDigit) +
  if (dotIndex > firstNonZeroDigit) exp--;

  var sciStr = eIndex != -1
      ? trimmed.substring(firstNonZeroDigit, eIndex)
      : trimmed.substring(firstNonZeroDigit);
  if (sciStr.length == 1) {
    sciStr = '$sciStr.0';
  } else {
    // Insert the decimal point after the first non zero digit.
    sciStr = sciStr.replaceAll('.', '');
    sciStr = '${sciStr[0]}.${sciStr.substring(1)}';

  sciStr = NumberFormatSI.removeInsignificantZeros(sciStr);

  // Prepend the sign.
  sciStr = '$sign$sciStr';

  // Append the exponent.
  if (exp != 0) {
    sciStr = unicode
        ? '$sciStr \u{00d7} 10${unicodeExponent(exp)}'
        : '$sciStr x 10^$exp';

  return sciStr;