NTP top-level property

TimeInstantUnits NTP

Network Time Protocol (NTP) - NTP is offset from the UTC time scale, with its epoch at 1 Jan 1900 0h


// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
final TimeInstantUnits NTP =
    TimeInstantUnits('Network Time Protocol', null, 'NTP', null, 1.0, false, -1.8302976e9, (dynamic val) {
  var d = UTC.fromMks(val);
  return d += 1.8302976e9;
}, (dynamic val) {
  var d = val is num
      ? val.toDouble()
      : val is Number
          ? val.toDouble()
          : 0.0;
  d -= 1.8302976e9;
  return UTC.toMks(d);