standardUncertainty property
Returns the standard uncertainty in this Quantity object's value as a typed Quantity object.
Standard uncertainty is defined as the uncertainty (of a measurement result) by an estimated standard deviation, which is equal to the positive square root of the estimated variance. One standard deviate in a Normal distribution corresponds to a coverage factor of 1 (k=1) and a confidence of approximately 68%.
Quantity get standardUncertainty => snapshot.standardUncertainty;
(Quantity su)
Sets the relative standard uncertainty in this Quantity object's value to su
- Will throw an ImmutableQuantityException (a RuntimeException) if this Quantity is in an immutable state.
- Relative standard uncertainty is defined as the standard uncertainty divided by the absolute value of the quantity. Standard uncertainty, in turn, is defined as the uncertainty (of a measurement result) by an estimated standard deviation, which is equal to the positive square root of the estimated variance. One standard deviate in a Normal distribution corresponds to a coverage factor of 1 (k=1) and a confidence of approximately 68%.
set standardUncertainty(Quantity su) {
if (!mutable) throw ImmutableQuantityException(q: this);
if (!(dimensions == su.dimensions)) {
throw DimensionsException(
'The standard uncertainty must have the same dimensions as this Quantity object');
// Determine ur.
final ratio = su / this; // Scalar
_ur = ratio.mks.toDouble();