Capitalize the first letter of every sentence. Typically, the . characters to separate sentences, but this can be customized via the value of the splitChar argument.
Returns true if the first string argument contains the second argument "string" or "one or more of the strings listed in the array". If the exact value is true, it returns true only for an exact match.
Returns after removing all special characters, including spaces. If you want to allow any special characters as exceptions, list them in the second argument value without delimiters. For example, if you want to allow spaces and the symbols & and *, the second argument value would be ' &*'.
Replaces text within a range starting and ending with a specific character in a given string with another string. For example, given the string abc<DEF>ghi, to change <DEF> to def, use replaceBetween('abc<DEF>ghi', '<', '>', 'def'). The result would be abcdefghi.
Deletes strings in the range if replaceWith is not specified.
Removes all whitespace before and after a string. Unlike JavaScript's trim function, it converts two or more spaces between sentences into a single space.
The string ignores truncation until the ending character (endStringChar). If the expected length is reached, return the truncated string until after the ending character.