
A Flutter widget that will use for scanning QR Code and it also has scanning effect.

QR Scanner with Effect

pub package GH Actions


Parameter Definition
GlobalKey<State<StatefulWidget>> qrKey (Required) qrKey uniquely identify elements
void Function(QRViewController) onQrScannerViewCreated (Required) onQRViewCreated gets called when the view is created
EdgeInsetsGeometry overlayMargin (Predefined) use overlayMargin to provide a margin to overlay
CameraFacing cameraFacing (Predefined) Set which camera to use on startup.cameraFacing can either be CameraFacing.front or CameraFacing.back
void Function(QRViewController, bool)? onPermissionSet (Optional) Calls the provided onPermissionSet callback when the permission is set
List<BarcodeFormat> formatsAllowed (Predefined) Use formatsAllowed to specify which formats needs to be scanned
Color qrOverlayBorderColor (Required) qrOverlayBorderColor is used for giving color of qr overlay border
double qrOverlayBorderRadius (Predefined) qrOverlayBorderRadius is used for giving border radius of qr overlay border
double qrOverlayBorderWidth (Predefined) qrOverlayBorderWidth it defines the width of the qr overlay border
double qrOverlayBorderLength (Predefined) qrOverlayBorderLength it defines the length of the qr overlay border
Gradient? effectGradient (Optional) use effectGradient for effect animated color from begin to top
double effectWidth (Predefined) effectWidth define the width of the effect
bool isScanComplete (Predefined) isScanComplete is used for remove effect after scanning complete
Color? effectColor (Optional) use effectColor for color of the effect
double? cutOutSize
double? cutOutHeight
double? cutOutWidth
double cutOutBottomOffset


ezgif com-optimize


Add dependency for package on your pubspec.yaml:

      qr_scanner_with_effect: latest


flutter pub add qr_scanner_with_effect


  isScanComplete: isComplete,
  qrKey: qrKey,
  onQrScannerViewCreated: onQrScannerViewCreated,
  qrOverlayBorderColor: Colors.redAccent,
  cutOutSize: (MediaQuery.of(context).size.width < 300 || MediaQuery.of(context).size.height < 400) ? 250.0 : 300.0,
  onPermissionSet: (ctrl, p) => onPermissionSet(context, ctrl, p),
  effectGradient: const LinearGradient(
    begin: Alignment.topCenter,
    end: Alignment.bottomCenter,
    stops: [0.0, 1],
    colors: [

Additional information

This package is built on "qr_code_scanner". When we use "qr_scanner_with_effect" package than we also use "qr_code_scanner" package for fetching its controller.