A simple QR Scanner style overlay to be used with a stack ( and a camera scanner )


The Widget provides a qr code scanner style overlay to be used with a stack , qr scanning widget

It has 2 modes one where you can pass in an image path ( only supports images as assets ) as its overlay another where you can pass in a color as overlay


Getting started

just import the package and use QRScannerOverlay


return Scaffold(
      body: Stack(
        children: [
            controller: cameraConroller,
            onDetect: (capture) {
                // do something
          QRScannerOverlay(imagePath: "images/test.jpg",)
QRScannerOverlay(color: Colors.black.withOpacity(0.5),)

Additional information

Try tinkering around with the package if you want something specific , you can always check up on the github repo for issues or other help Special thanks to Fluttify for the baseline overlay

