locate function
Locates a QR code given a BitMatrix representing a binary image.
QrLocation? locate(
final BitMatrix matrix, {
final bool recenterLocation = false,
final bool perfectQrCode = false,
}) {
final List<_Quad> finderPatternQuads = [];
List<_Quad> activeFinderPatternQuads = [];
final List<_Quad> alignmentPatternQuads = [];
List<_Quad> activeAlignmentPatternQuads = [];
for (var y = 0; y <= matrix.height; y++) {
double length = 0;
bool lastBit = false;
List<double> scans = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var x = -1; x <= matrix.width; x++) {
final v = matrix.get(x, y);
if (v == lastBit) {
} else {
scans = [scans[1], scans[2], scans[3], scans[4], length];
length = 1;
lastBit = v;
final validFinderPattern = _isFinderPattern(scans, v);
final validAlignmentPattern = _isAlignmentPattern(scans, v);
if (validFinderPattern) {
// Compute the start and end x values of the large center black square
final endX = x - scans[3] - scans[4];
final startX = endX - scans[2];
final line = _QuadBound(startX, endX, y.toDouble());
// Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with
// that line as the starting point.
final matchingQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads
(q) =>
(startX >= q.bottom.startX && startX <= q.bottom.endX) ||
(endX >= q.bottom.startX && startX <= q.bottom.endX) ||
(startX <= q.bottom.startX &&
endX >= q.bottom.endX &&
((scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) <
maxQuadRatio &&
(scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) >
if (matchingQuads.isNotEmpty) {
matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;
} else {
activeFinderPatternQuads.add(_Quad(line, line));
if (validAlignmentPattern) {
// Compute the start and end x values of the center black square
final endX = x - scans[4];
final startX = endX - scans[3];
final line = _QuadBound(startX, endX, y.toDouble());
// Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with
// that line as the starting point.
final matchingQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads
(q) =>
(startX >= q.bottom.startX && startX <= q.bottom.endX) ||
(endX >= q.bottom.startX && startX <= q.bottom.endX) ||
(startX <= q.bottom.startX &&
endX >= q.bottom.endX &&
((scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) <
maxQuadRatio &&
(scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) >
if (matchingQuads.isNotEmpty) {
matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;
} else {
activeAlignmentPatternQuads.add(_Quad(line, line));
.where((q) => q.bottom.y != y && q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2));
activeFinderPatternQuads =
activeFinderPatternQuads.where((q) => q.bottom.y == y).toList();
.addAll(activeAlignmentPatternQuads.where((q) => q.bottom.y != y));
activeAlignmentPatternQuads =
activeAlignmentPatternQuads.where((q) => q.bottom.y == y).toList();
.addAll(activeFinderPatternQuads.where((q) => q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2));
final List<_ScoredSizedPosition> finderPatterns = finderPatternQuads
.where((q) {
// The current scoring function does not work well for perfect QR codes.
// Rectangular regions in the content area of a QR code that match the
// finder pattern ratio get better scores than the actual finder patterns.
// TODO: Improve scoring function so that finder patterns in perfect QR codes get the highest score
// Once a better scoring function is found, this workaround is no longer needed.
if (!perfectQrCode) {
return true;
// Expect a square
final topWidth = q.top.endX - q.top.startX;
final bottomWidth = q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX;
final height = (q.bottom.y - q.top.y) + 1;
return topWidth == bottomWidth && bottomWidth == height;
.where((q) =>
q.bottom.y - q.top.y >=
2) // All quads must be at least 2px tall since the center square is larger than a block
.map((q) {
// Initial scoring of finder pattern quads by looking at their ratios, not taking into account position
final x =
(q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;
final y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
if (!matrix.get(x.round(), y.round())) {
return null;
final lengths = [
q.top.endX - q.top.startX,
q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX,
q.bottom.y - q.top.y + 1
final size = lengths.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / lengths.length;
final score = scorePattern(
Position<double>(x.roundToDouble(), y.roundToDouble()),
[1, 1, 3, 1, 1],
return _ScoredSizedPosition(score, x, y, size);
.whereNotNull() // Filter out any rejected quads from above
finderPatterns.sort((a, b) => a.score.compareTo(b.score));
// Now take the top finder pattern options (lower score is better) and try to
// find 2 other options with a similar size.
Set<Position<double>>? bestFinderPathSet;
double bestFinderPathSetScore = double.infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < finderPatterns.length; i++) {
final point = finderPatterns[i];
if (i > maxFinderPatternsToSearch) {
final otherPoints = finderPatterns
.whereIndexed((ii, p) => i != ii)
.map((p) => (_ScoredSizedPosition(
p.score + math.pow(p.size - point.size, 2) / point.size,
otherPoints.sort((a, b) => a.score.compareTo(b.score));
if (otherPoints.length < 2) {
final score = point.score + otherPoints[0].score + otherPoints[1].score;
if (score < bestFinderPathSetScore) {
bestFinderPathSetScore = score;
bestFinderPathSet = {point, ...otherPoints.sublist(0, 2)};
if (bestFinderPathSet == null) {
return null;
final _FinderPatternSet orderedFinderPatternGroup =
// Now that we've found the three finder patterns we can determine the blockSize and the size of the QR code.
// We'll use these to help find the alignment pattern but also later when we do the extraction.
final dimension = computeDimension(
topLeft: orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft,
topRight: orderedFinderPatternGroup.topRight,
bottomLeft: orderedFinderPatternGroup.bottomLeft,
matrix: matrix,
if (dimension == null) {
return null;
// Now find the alignment pattern
final bottomRightFinderPattern = Position<double>(
// Best guess at where a bottomRight finder pattern would be
orderedFinderPatternGroup.topRight.x -
orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft.x +
orderedFinderPatternGroup.topRight.y -
orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft.y +
final modulesBetweenFinderPatterns = ((orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft
.distanceTo(orderedFinderPatternGroup.bottomLeft) +
.distanceTo(orderedFinderPatternGroup.topRight)) /
2 /
final correctionToTopLeft = 1 - (3 / modulesBetweenFinderPatterns);
final expectedAlignmentPattern = Position<double>(
orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft.x +
correctionToTopLeft *
(bottomRightFinderPattern.x - orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft.x),
orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft.y +
correctionToTopLeft *
(bottomRightFinderPattern.y - orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft.y),
Position<double>? bestPattern;
double bestPatternScore = double.infinity;
for (var q in alignmentPatternQuads) {
final x = (q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;
final y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
if (!matrix.get((x).floor(), (y).floor())) {
final sizeScore = scorePattern(
Position<double>(x.floorToDouble(), y.floorToDouble()),
[1, 1, 1],
// The scoring function assigns lower scores to the actual alignment pattern
// in a perfect QR code than to other false positives that match the ratio.
// Therefore we ignore the score when we know that we have a perfect QR code.
// TODO: Improve scoring function so that the alignment pattern in a perfect qr code gets the highest score
// Once a better scoring function is found, this workaround is no longer needed.
final score = (perfectQrCode ? 0 : sizeScore) +
Position<double>(x, y).distanceTo(expectedAlignmentPattern);
if (score < bestPatternScore) {
bestPatternScore = score;
bestPattern = Position<double>(x, y);
// If there are less than 15 modules between finder patterns it's a version 1 QR code and as such has no alignmemnt pattern
// so we can only use our best guess.
final alignment = modulesBetweenFinderPatterns >= 15 && bestPattern != null
? bestPattern
: expectedAlignmentPattern;
if (recenterLocation) {
return QrLocation(
_blackAreaCenter(matrix, orderedFinderPatternGroup.topRight.clone()),
bottomLeft: _blackAreaCenter(
matrix, orderedFinderPatternGroup.bottomLeft.clone()),
_blackAreaCenter(matrix, orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft.clone()),
alignmentPattern: alignment.clone(),
dimension: dimension,
} else {
return QrLocation(
topRight: orderedFinderPatternGroup.topRight.clone(),
bottomLeft: orderedFinderPatternGroup.bottomLeft.clone(),
topLeft: orderedFinderPatternGroup.topLeft.clone(),
alignmentPattern: alignment.clone(),
dimension: dimension,