fixQRCodeBMPWithHiddenTransparency function
Rewrites the BMP so that BmpDecoder does not ignore the alpha value
Image? fixQRCodeBMPWithHiddenTransparency(Uint8List bytes) {
// BmpDecoder treats the 4th byte of each pixel as alpha value
// if the BMP header has more than 40 bytes (see BmpInfo::ignoreAlphaChannel).
// Therefore we turn the 40 byte BITMAPINFOHEADER into a 52 byte BITMAPV2INFOHEADER.
// See:
final buffer = InputBuffer(bytes);
final oldDataOffset = buffer.readUint32();
final oldHeaderSize = buffer.readUint32();
if (oldHeaderSize != 40) {
return null;
final growableBytes = bytes.toList();
// Set header size to 54 bytes
growableBytes[0x0E] = 54;
// Insert 14 zero bytes before the BMP data starts
growableBytes.insertAll(oldDataOffset, List.filled(14, 0));
// Adjust the BMP data offset
final newOffsetBytes = OutputBuffer(bigEndian: false, size: 4)..writeUint32(oldDataOffset + 14);
growableBytes.replaceRange(0x0A, 0x0E, newOffsetBytes.getBytes().toList());
return BmpDecoder().decode(Uint8List.fromList(growableBytes));