makeText method

  1. @override
Iterable<BarcodeElement> makeText(
  1. String data,
  2. double width,
  3. double height,
  4. double fontHeight,
  5. double textPadding,
  6. double lineWidth,

Stream the text operations required to draw the barcode texts. This is automatically called by make


Iterable<BarcodeElement> makeText(
  String data,
  double width,
  double height,
  double fontHeight,
  double textPadding,
  double lineWidth,
) sync* {
  data = checkLength(data, maxLength);
  final w = lineWidth * 7;
  final left = marginLeft(true, width, height, fontHeight, textPadding);
  final right = marginRight(true, width, height, fontHeight, textPadding);
  var offset = left + lineWidth * 3;

  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    yield BarcodeText(
      left: offset,
      top: height - fontHeight,
      width: w,
      height: fontHeight,
      text: data[i],

    offset += w;
    if (i == 3) {
      offset += lineWidth * 5;

  if (drawSpacers) {
    yield BarcodeText(
      left: 0,
      top: height - fontHeight,
      width: left - lineWidth,
      height: fontHeight,
      text: _startSpacer,
      align: BarcodeTextAlign.right,
    yield BarcodeText(
      left: width - right + lineWidth,
      top: height - fontHeight,
      width: right - lineWidth,
      height: fontHeight,
      text: _finalSpacer,
      align: BarcodeTextAlign.left,