QProduct class

  • @JsonSerializable()


QProduct(String qonversionId, String? storeId, String? basePlanId, SkuDetailsWrapper? skuDetails, QProductStoreDetails? storeDetails, SKProductWrapper? skProduct, String? offeringId, QSubscriptionPeriod? subscriptionPeriod, QSubscriptionPeriod? trialPeriod, QProductType type, String? prettyPrice)
QProduct.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


basePlanId String?
Identifier of the base plan for Google product.
currencyCode String?
Store Product currency code, such as USD
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
offeringId String?
Associated Offering Id
prettyIntroductoryPrice String?
Formatted introductory price of the subscription, including its currency sign, such as €2.99
getter/setter pair
prettyPrice String?
Formatted localized price of the product, including its currency sign, such as €2.99
price double?
Localized price of the product
getter/setter pair
qonversionId String
Product ID created in Qonversion Dashboard.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
skProduct → SKProductWrapper?
Associated SKProduct.
skuDetails SkuDetailsWrapper?
Google Play Store details of this product. Android only. Null for iOS, or if the product was not found. Doesn't take into account basePlanId. @deprecated Consider using storeDetails instead.
storeDescription String?
Store product description
getter/setter pair
storeDetails QProductStoreDetails?
Google Play Store details of this product. Android only. Null for iOS, or if the product was not found.
storeId String?
Store product ID.
storeTitle String?
Store product title
getter/setter pair
subscriptionPeriod QSubscriptionPeriod?
For Android - the subscription base plan duration. If the basePlanId is not specified, the duration is calculated using the deprecated skuDetails. For iOS - the duration of the skProduct. Null, if it's not a subscription product or the product was not found in the store.
trialPeriod QSubscriptionPeriod?
The subscription trial duration of the default offer for Android or of the product for iOS. See QProductStoreDetails.defaultSubscriptionOfferDetails for the information on how we choose the default offer for Android. Null, if it's not a subscription product or the product was not found the store.
type QProductType
The calculated type of this product based on the store information. On Android uses deprecated skuDetails for the old subscription products where basePlanId is not specified, and storeDetails for all the other products. On iOS uses skProduct information.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toPurchaseModel({String? offerId}) QPurchaseModel
Converts this product to purchase model to pass to Qonversion.purchase. offerId concrete Android offer identifier if necessary. If the products' base plan id is specified, but offer id is not provided for purchase, then default offer will be used. Ignored if base plan id is not specified. Ignored for iOS. To know how we choose the default offer, see QProductStoreDetails.defaultSubscriptionOfferDetails. Returns purchase model to pass to the purchase method.
toPurchaseModelWithOffer(QProductOfferDetails offer) QPurchaseModel
Converts this product to purchase model to pass to Qonversion.purchase. offer concrete Android offer which you'd like to purchase. Returns purchase model to pass to the purchase method.
toPurchaseUpdateModel(String oldProductId, {QPurchaseUpdatePolicy? updatePolicy}) QPurchaseUpdateModel
Android only.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.