toName<T> method

Future<T?> toName<T>(
  1. String name, {
  2. Map<String, dynamic>? params,
  3. bool ignoreSamePath = true,
  4. PageAlreadyExistAction? pageAlreadyExistAction,
  5. bool waitForResult = false,

Go to a route with given name and params Set ignoreSamePath to true to ignore the navigation if the current path is the same as the route path Use pageAlreadyExistAction to define what to do when page already is in the stack you can remove the page or just bring it to the top


Future<T?> toName<T>(
  String name, {
  Map<String, dynamic>? params,
  bool ignoreSamePath = true,
  PageAlreadyExistAction? pageAlreadyExistAction,
  bool waitForResult = false,
}) async {
  if (ignoreSamePath && isCurrentName(name, params: params)) {
    return null;
  final controller = _manager.withName(QRContext.rootRouterName);
  var match = await controller.findName(name, params: params);
  await _toMatch(match, pageAlreadyExistAction: pageAlreadyExistAction);
  if (waitForResult) return match.getFuture();
  return null;