softMax method

int softMax(
  1. List<double?> prediction

Returns the index of the maximum value in the prediction list using the softmax function.

The softmax function takes a list of double values and returns a probability distribution over the elements by exponentiating each value and normalizing it by the sum of all exponentiated values.

The prediction parameter is a list of double values representing the predicted scores for each class.

Returns the index of the maximum value in the prediction list.


int softMax(List<double?> prediction) {
  double maxScore = double.negativeInfinity;
  int maxScoreIndex = -1;

  for (int i = 0; i < prediction.length; i++) {
    if (prediction[i]! > maxScore) {
      maxScore = prediction[i]!;
      maxScoreIndex = i;

  return maxScoreIndex;