processCameraImage static method

Image? processCameraImage(
  1. CameraImage cameraImage


static Image? processCameraImage(CameraImage cameraImage) {
  Image? image = ImageUtils.convertCameraImage(cameraImage);

  if (Platform.isIOS) {
    // ios, default camera image is portrait view
    // rotate 270 to the view that top is on the left, bottom is on the right
    // image ^4.0.17 error here
    image = copyRotate(image!, angle: 270);
  if (Platform.isAndroid) {
    // ios, default camera image is portrait view
    // rotate 270 to the view that top is on the left, bottom is on the right
    // image ^4.0.17 error here
    image = copyRotate(image!, angle: 90);

  return image;
  // processImage(inputImage);