txPlaceForSale abstract method
Async: Creates a transaction to post a trade of the provided Item for a price in pylons against the current profile.
The active profile must own the item.
Upon successful resolution of the transaction, response's data field is a
the state of the Profile after creation of the
trade and the Trade as it newly exists on chain.
Error field may list one of the following exceptions in the event that the transaction is not resolved successfully:
NoWalletException : There's no attached wallet.
ItemDoesNotExistException : TX rejected because the item does not exist on the chain.
ItemNotOwnedException : TX rejected because the active profile is not the owner of the item to be placed for sale.
ProfileDoesNotExistException : TX rejected because profile doesn't exist on the chain.
NodeInternalErrorException : TX rejected because the Pylons node had an internal error. This shouldn't be seen in production.
UnhandledErrorException : Received an error from the wallet, but the error didn't match any errors we were expecting. This should really, really not occur in production environments.
If the operation fails due to an exception thrown by this library, that exception will be passed directly.
Future<SDKIPCResponse> txPlaceForSale(ItemRef item, int price);