getString method

String? getString(
  1. String key

Retrieves the string parameter with the provided key for this item, or null if no such parameter exists.


String? getString(String key) {
  var found;
  try {
    if (_complete) {
      found = _native!.strings.firstWhere((element) => element.key == key).value;
    } else {
      found = _nativeRecord!.strings.firstWhere((element) => element.key == key).value;
  } on StateError {
    found = null;
  if (found == null) {
    try {
      if (_complete) {
        found = _native!.mutableStrings.firstWhere((element) => element.key == key).value;
    } on StateError {
      // swallow, it's already null
  return found;