getInitialMessage method

  1. @override
Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> getInitialMessage()

Gets any data associated to a Push Notification when opening the app by taping on it.

Example Usage

function someAsyncFunction() async {
  final message = await PusherBeams.instance.getInitialMessage();

In order to receive data you need to send the pusher message in the following format:

  "apns": {
    "aps": {
      "alert": {"title":"Hello", "body":"Hello, world!"},
   "data": {
      "info": { "name": "george" }
  "fcm": {
    "notification": {"title":"Hello", "body":"Hello, world!"},
    "data": {
      "info": { "name": "george" }

Throws an Exception in case of failure.


Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> getInitialMessage() async {
  return await _pusherBeamsApi.getInitialMessage();