Pushe class

@author Mahdi Malvandi Main plugin class handling most of SDK's works.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

addTags(Map<String, String> tags, {Function? callback}) Future<void>
Add tags. tags key-value pairs callback is an optional function that will be called with result of adding tags.
createNotificationChannel(String channelId, String channelName, {String? description, int? importance, bool? enableLight, bool? enableVibration, bool? showBadge, int? ledColor, List<int>? vibrationPattern}) Future<void>
Creates a channel using native API. Read more about channel at https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/channels You can send notifications through only one channel, so users that have created that channel in their devices, can receive it, while rest of them can not. For android versions lower than 8.0 (API 26), this method has no function
disableCustomSound() Future<void>
Custom sound is enabled by default. If you wanted to disable it and use the default sound (like for avoiding downloading sound) you can disable it.
disableNotificationForceForegroundAware() Future<bool>
Disables the behaviour set by enableNotificationForceForegroundAware
enableCustomSound() Future<void>
Custom sound is enabled by default. However, if you have turned it off, you can revert it using this function
enableNotificationForceForegroundAware() Future<bool>
Enables force to avoid displaying notification when the app is open Instead only listeners will be called
getActiveService() Future<String>
@return either hms or fcm or empty result if none of them were available. NOTE: If anything was wrong in initialization, this may never return result
getAdvertisingId() Future<String>
Return GoogleAdvertisingId (if using FCM) or AOID (if using HMS)
getAndroidId() Future<String>
getCustomId() Future<String>
Get custom id
getDeviceId() Future<String>
Get the unique id of the devices Returns empty if native returned null
getFcmToken() Future<String>
@return Token of Firebase cloud messaging used by Pushe and empty if anything was wrong or active service wasn't FCM
getGoogleAdvertisingId() Future<String>
Get google advertising id
getHmsToken() Future<String>
@return Token of Huawei PushKit used by Pushe and empty if anything was wrong or active service wasn't HMS
getSubscribedTags() Future<Map>
Get subscribed tags
getSubscribedTopics() Future<List>
Get subscribed topics
getUserConsentStatus() Future<bool>
Get the user consent status
getUserEmail() Future<String>
Get email
getUserPhoneNumber() Future<String>
Get user phone number
initialize() Future<void>
GDPR related You can use this function after getting user consent to initialize pushe lib for ios only: you must call this function in order to pushe to start working
isCustomSoundEnabled() Future<bool>
To check whether custom sound is already enabled or not
isForceForegroundAware() Future<bool>
Returns true if foreground notification are published by force, false otherwise
isInitialized() Future<bool>
Check if Pushe is initialized to server or not.
isNotificationOn() Future<bool>
To check whether notification will publish or not (default is true of course)
isRegistered() Future<bool>
Check if Pushe is registered to server or not.
removeNotificationChannel(String channelId) Future<void>
Remove the channel Id that was created For android versions lower than 8.0 (API 26), this method has no function
removeTags(List<String> tags, {Function? callback}) Future<void>
Remove tags. tags list of tag keys to remove callback is an optional function that will be called with result of removing tags.
sendAdvancedNotificationToUser(IdType type, String id, String json) Future<void>
sendEcommerceData(String name, double price, {String? category, int? quantity}) Future<void>
Send ecommerce data. name is the name of ecommerce data price is the value of ecommerce name
sendEvent(String name, {EventAction action = EventAction.custom, dynamic data}) Future<void>
Send an event name is the name of event that wants to send Possible option: SendEvent
sendNotificationToUser(IdType type, String id, String title, String content, {String? bigTitle, String? bigContent, String? imageUrl, String? iconUrl, String? notificationIcon, dynamic customContent}) Future<void>
Sending notification from this device to another device which is registered as a user of this app. type is the type of unique id which you are passing id is the id of the type type title is the title of the notification content is the content of the notification bigTitle is the complete title of the notification bigContent is the complete content of the notification imageUrl is the url of the image which notification can contain iconUrl is the url of the notification icon customContent is the custom json you send along with the notification message which can be received as the notification customContent in the target device
setCustomId(String id) Future<void>
Set custom id
setInitializationCompleteListener(Function callback) Future<void>
Call it's callback when initialization is completed
setNotificationListener({dynamic onReceived(NotificationData?)?, dynamic onClicked(NotificationData?)?, dynamic onDismissed(NotificationData?)?, dynamic onButtonClicked(NotificationData?)?, dynamic onCustomContentReceived(dynamic)?, dynamic onBackgroundNotificationReceived(String, dynamic)?}) Future<void>
Set callbacks for different types of events for notifications (in foreground or when app is open in the background) onReceived is called when notification was received. onClicked is called when notification was clicked. onDismissed is called when notification was swiped away. onButtonClicked is called when notification contains button and a button was clicked. onCustomContentReceived is called when notification includes custom json. It will a json in string format. onBackgroundNotificationReceived is the function that will be called when notification is received in the background, this would be a TopLevel or Static function will be passed and saved for later usage. Function will take a dynamic value which is a dictionary (aka Map), which contains 'type' (one of receive, click, button_click, custom_content, dismiss), and the 'data' either a custom map (provided as customContent), the notification, or the notification and the button (in case of button click) In addition, the Isolate of the top level function is different and it will not have access to any widget (if app is in foreground, this does not get called and instead foreground function will take place). So be aware of the isolate difference.
setNotificationOff() Future<void>
If this function is called, notification will not be shown.
setNotificationOn() Future<void>
Default of notification is set to On, if you have set it off, you can revert it using this function.
setRegistrationCompleteListener(Function callback) Future<void>
Call it's callback when registration is completed
setUserConsentGiven(bool enabled) Future<void>
GDPR related If user gave consent for collecting necessary extra data for Analytics. Simply call this function with True parameter the related task will be scheduled right away and will collect when needed. If for any reason user decided to undo his dialog action, or for some other reason, you wanted to cancel consent, Simply call this function with False parameter enabled enable or disable user consent for collecting extra data
setUserEmail(String email) Future<void>
Set email
setUserPhoneNumber(String phone) Future<void>
Set user phone number
subscribe(String topic, {Function? callback}) Future<void>
Subscribe to a topic. topic is the name of that topic. The naming rules must follow FCM topic naming standards. callback is an optional function that will be called with result of subscription.
unsubscribe(String topic, {Function? callback}) Future<void>
Unsubscribe from a topic already subscribed. topic is the name of that topic. The naming rules must follow FCM topic naming standards. callback is an optional function that will be called with result of Unsubscription.